Understanding Recurrent Vulvar Conditions: Bad Habits to Avoid

Understanding Recurrent Vulvar Conditions: Bad Habits to Avoid

Many women and children experience discomfort from disorders that aren't often discussed openly but greatly affect their daily lives. These issues can be recurring and may even become long-term problems. Sometimes, they're just irritations, but other times they could signal a more serious health condition. They're known as things like vulvar irritations, inflammatory vulvities, candidiasis, lichen simplex, lichen sclerosus, contact dermatitis, balanitis, vaginal dryness, and more. The outcomes can be quite bothersome: itching, burning, pain, and in some cases, leukorrhea.

It is often a fashion problem

Redness, itching, burning sensation

One of the leading causes of intimate disorders is undoubtedly poor hygiene habits and the use of synthetic or non-biocompatible fabrics, often found in underwear. Scientific studies confirm that wearing synthetic materials creates a warm and humid environment that promotes the growth of fungi and bacteria, leading to infections. This explains the rising prevalence of these disorders.

Bad habits to avoid

Here are some common habits that can contribute to intimate disorders and genital issues like redness, burning, and itching. It's easy to avoid them:

  1. Using harsh detergents for intimate hygiene that disrupt the natural pH balance.
  2. Overusing creams, topical medications, deodorant wipes, and disinfectants.
  3. Wearing tight, non-breathable underwear made from synthetic or artificial fibers.
  4. Using panty liners excessively, especially outside of menstruation.

Cotton on irritated skin

A myth to dispel

One of the most abused recommendations in the case of dermatological diseases, especially of the genital area, is to wear white cotton.

The recommendation may seem sensible because cotton is a natural fiber and so better than synthetic fibers, but the white color of the common cotton is not natural at all, : it is the result of aggressive chemical processes that can alter the protective microflora of skin and mucous membranes and consequently the balance of the genital area.

The fibers of the cotton, moreover, like the artificial fibers derived from cellulose, retain a lot of moisture and struggle to dry out, worsening that warm-humid microclimate that favors the growth of bacteria and fungi.

In the DermaSilk knitted fabric, the silk fibroin is completely natural and biocompatible, and able to absorb excess moisture and release it very quickly, keeping the genital area pleasantly cool and with the right degree of humidity.

DermaSilk, the second skin that heals the intimate areas

The silk fibroin is so biocompatible with our skin that, when the aminoacids that compose it come in contact with irritated or inflamed skin, starts a repair process that quickly brings enormous benefits to those suffering from intimate problems.

  • Reduces itching, burning sensation, pain, dryness
  • Reduces relapses
  • Prevents and contracts infections
  • Keeps the right grade of humidity
  • Respects the vaginal ecosystem and pH
  • Promotes the regeneration of skin and mucous membranes

To reduce itching and redness, you can also try Alhydran, which is known for its skin hydration properties.